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Type 2 Diabetes Breakfast Recipes

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. That maybe even more true for people with diabetes. A morning meal helps to keep your blood sugar steady all day long.

For people with diabetes, morning is usually the time of day with the highest blood glucose levels so a good breakfast choice will help to improve your control.

One study found that skipping it caused bigger blood sugar spikes after lunch and dinner. But not all breakfasts are created equal. To start your day off right, your breakfast should include fiber, lean protein, and healthy fats.

We’ve put together some simple and healthy breakfast ideas to get you started.


A top US Doctor and researcher has revealed the shocking truth…

The REAL cause of your diabetes and uncontrolled weight gain has NOTHING to do with belly fat, diet, exercise, or genetics….

But instead is THIS deadly molecule

Which according to a breakthrough latest study by a team from Washington University School of Medicine and published in the Lancet Planetary Health caused all 3.2 MILLION new diabetics last year!


Greek yogurt and cottage cheese make good breakfast choices.

Quick to put together and easy to tailor to your own desires by adding any of the following:

  • Nuts – always a good source of energy and a low carb favorite

  • Oatmeal or wheat bran for fiber ( whole grains )

  • Berries are a popular choice

  • Fruit – cantaloupe is listed as a good accompaniment

Nut Butter and Fruit

Give the classic PB&J a healthy upgrade. Spread no-sugar-added peanut, almond, or other nut butter on whole-grain toast. Look for bread with at least 3 grams of fiber per slice. Top with fresh fruit, such as slices of strawberries or raspberries. You can also swap the bread for whole-grain waffles or pancakes. If you’re using the frozen kind, check that the label lists a whole grain as the first ingredient


A breakthrough study has shown that this "odd" vegetable reverses diabetes at the source.

It's 475% more powerful than exercise...

552% more effective than any diet...

and 820% more powerful than any medication! You can learn more about it here.

Egg Sandwich

Scrambled, boiled, or poached, eggs are packed with protein -- there are 6 grams in a large one. Protein takes longer to digest, which may help keep blood sugar levels steady. For an on-the-go meal, make a sandwich with a scrambled egg, low-fat cheese, and tomato slice on a whole-wheat English muffin. You can add a slice of lean meat, such as low-sodium ham or turkey, for extra protein.

Greek Yogurt Parfait

Creamy Greek yogurt has less sugar and fewer carbs than the regular kind. It’s also high in protein, with 23 grams per cup. Layer non- or low-fat plain yogurt with fiber-rich berries and nuts, such as walnuts and almonds. The nuts add crunch and healthy fats. Bonus: Eating nuts regularly can lower your chances of having heart disease -- a condition that diabetes puts you more at risk for.


Before you go to bed tonight, do this ONE “stupidly simple” Greek ritual to reverse your diabetes… This diabetes-reversing trick was previously known ONLY to the inhabitants of a small, barely populated Greek island, 4800 miles from home…

Sweet Potato and Chicken Sausage Hash

Bacon and beef sausages are high in saturated fat and salt. For a healthier breakfast, choose chicken or turkey sausage. A three-link serving has 9 grams of protein, but half as much fat as the beef kind. Serve it in a hash: Sauté mushrooms, onions, and bell peppers until soft. Add spices, chicken sausage, and a splash of water. Cook for a few more minutes, and then toss in diced cooked sweet potato for extra fiber and vitamin C.

Vegetable Omelet

Pile on non-starchy vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, kale, and tomatoes. They’re low in carbs and high in fiber and nutrients. They’re also good sources of vitamin C, and research suggests that getting enough of the vitamin can help your body manage blood sugar. Add cooked vegetables and low-fat cheese to eggs. Serve the omelet with a slice of whole-grain toast.

Savory Oatmeal

Morning oats don’t have to be sweet. You can top them with vegetables and lean protein for a risotto-like dish. You can use dinner leftovers, such as roasted chicken, tomatoes, and spinach with a drizzle of lemon juice and olive oil. Or add sautéed kale and mushrooms and a cooked egg. Finish with a little low-sodium soy sauce and sesame seeds.

Breakfast Tacos

You can have tacos in the morning, too. Scramble eggs with spinach. Mix in black beans, which add 8 grams of fiber and 8 grams of protein per half-cup. Serve in whole-grain corn or whole-wheat tortilla. For extra flavor, add salsa and chili sauce. The hot peppers add spice and may help with diabetes: One study found that eating them may lower the spike in insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar, after meals.

Avocado Toast

This creamy green fruit is loaded with nutrients, heart-healthy fats, and 7 grams of fiber. That combo helps you stay full for longer, which promotes weight loss. Smash half an avocado onto a slice of whole-grain bread. Add a squeeze of lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Top with a hardboiled, fried, or poached egg.

Cottage Cheese with Fruit

Cottage cheese is a protein superstar. One cup of the low-fat kind packs in 28 grams of protein for only 6 grams of carbs. For a quick and easy breakfast, serve low-fat cottage cheese with fruit and nuts. A combo to try: Fresh or thawed sliced peaches and pistachios.

Whole-Grain French Toast

French toast can be an occasional breakfast treat. But thick slices doused in syrup are high in carbs. For a healthier spin, dip whole-grain bread in a mixture of eggs, skim milk, vanilla, and cinnamon. Skip the sugary syrup and top them with a little peanut butter and fruit. Or make your own jam by mixing together high-fiber chia seeds and mashed fruit. Let stand until it thickens.

Blueberry-Spinach Smoothie

A very simple idea – take a mix of food, stick it in a blender and drink it.

Some mixtures work better than others and it can be fun to find out which do work.

For the dedicated, making smoothies can be quite an art form to get the color and consistencies just right.

For us with diabetes, we also need to consider the carbohydrate content to our own requirements.

For a blueberry-spinach version, put a half-cup blueberries, a cup of spinach, and half a banana into a blender. Pour in a half-cup of low-fat milk. Blend until smooth. For a healthy boost, add a spoonful of ground flaxseed. High in fiber and omega-3 fats, flaxseed may help lower blood sugar in people with diabetes.

Rather than suggest one smoothie, here are some ingredient ideas to get you started for your own smoothies – be they savory or fruity:

  • Cucumbers

  • Carrots

  • Avocados – help to make your smoothies creamy

  • Berries

  • Citrus fruits –oranges, pineapple, limes, etc

  • Bananas – also help to make your smoothies creamy

  • Cashew nuts

  • Yogurt

  • Cottage cheese

  • Cream

  • Coconut milk

If you hit upon a fantastic smoothie mixture, share your find on the diabetes food forum.


A great breakfast for keeping insulin requirements low and another choice for which you can let your imagination go by adding any of the following:

  • Mushrooms

  • Tomatoes

  • Peppers

  • Fresh leafy spinach

  • Cheese

  • Bacon/ham – meat would be used, for example, if following the Dukan Diet

One Last Thing...

Do This To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally...

I was so shocked today that I SMASHED my coffee cup on the floor…

Because I discovered that the root cause of diabetes type 2 is NOT what I thought it was….

It’s NOT your weight…

It’s NOT your genetics…

It’s NOT even eating too much carbs or even (heck) sugar…

It’s something entirely different that you can target with a simple mixture of ingredients:

When you make this mixture yourself, be sure to add the right quantities to create the internal reaction inside your body that kick-starts a rapid diabetes-reversing mechanism inside you…

Scientists in Japan are now using this breakthrough insider information…

And have developed a revolutionary new treatment that’s REVERSING diabetes type 2 in thousands of men and women of all ages….

It’s based on the diets of the healthiest populations in the world…

And it triggers a diabetes-reversing “domino effect” mechanism that slashes your blood sugar in the first 48 hours…

You can IGNITE this newly discovered diabetes type 2 reversing process and fix your erratic blood sugar starting from tonight….and see results as soon as tomorrow…

Here it is…

To your best health.

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