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How To Lose Arm Fat Fast

Updated: Nov 19, 2020

Shedding stubborn body fat can be tricky, especially when it’s concentrated in a specific area of your body.

If you’re irritated by sagging upper arms, you’re not alone! As universal as complaints about thigh fat and belly bulge are, the same can be said for complaints about arm fat.

The arms are often considered a problem area, leaving many people seeking out ways to lose extra arm fat.

If you’ve dealt with excess arm fat before, you know how frustrating it can be to try on so many dresses and tops that are otherwise perfect, except that they don’t have sleeves and you just want to hide your arms!

And you are acutely aware of how embarrassing it is that you don’t want to clap in public or wave your arms due to that all-too-familiar jiggle effect.

Fortunately, there are several methods you can use to slim down and tone your arms. So it’s time to free yourself from saggy, waving upper arms and tone those babies up. Here’s our comprehensive guide on how to lose arm fat.

There’s no magic trick, but if you do this right, you can lose the higgle and uncover strong, toned arms.

Here are 9 ways to decrease arm fat and promote overall weight loss.

1. Eat Clean

Let’s make something clear. You can not—I repeat you CAN NOT—lose body fat without eating a good, clean, nutritious diet. This might be the hardest part for most people to hear, but you’ll never succeed unless you change what goes into your mouth.

And while it may seem like a daunting task, it is probably much more simple than you think. The key is to eat real food! Put simply:


  • Protein

  • Fiber

  • Veggies

With each meal try to fill your plate with lots of veggies, add a lean protein source, and finish it with a portion of healthy whole-grain carbohydrates like brown rice or sweet potato.


  • Added sugar

  • Refined carbs

  • Trans fats

You know, the packaged foods with a paragraph of ingredients…you get the idea. Use fruit for your sweet tooth.

If you want to get more down and dirty details about your eating, check out our Get Started with Clean Eating e-book. This will give you detailed help for everything you need to know when it comes to eating well.

Important: If you want to take all the guesswork out of your diet and follow a guaranteed-to-work plan, then you'll love the brand-new custom keto meal plan service.

And when I say "custom" meal plan, I mean it. We tailor your entire meal plan to your own unique situation, needs, goals, and dietary preferences to ensure you experience optimal progress and follow a diet you enjoy. It is 8 weeks done for you low carb diet. You can learn more about the custom keto diet here.

Would You Like to Know Exactly What to Eat to Lose Fat and Get Healthy Without Giving Up Your Favorite Foods or Starving Yourself? Just answer this short quiz so that we can know what you will prefer to eat and get a direct download link to download your done for you meal plan. Take the quiz here.

2. Strength Train

Fat is a freeloader. Body fat sits on your body and takes up space.

Muscle, on the other hand, is a workhorse! Not only does it look better, but it actually works to burn calories and helps your metabolic rate. Losing fat is going to be much easier if you strength train and build muscle.

Though we are going to concentrate on specific arm strength exercises in this article, try to get a full-body strength training session in twice per week.

Not sure how to start? Use this free Beginner’s Guide to Strength Training to get you started!

10 Exercises To Get Rid Of Arm Fat

This workout will help to shape your muscles and give you the sculpted, toned arms you’ve been looking for. It’s designed to cover each part of your arms—biceps, triceps and shoulders—to give you a solid workout and a toned upper body.

  • For this workout, you need both a light (5-8 lbs) and heavier (10-12 pounds) pair of dumbbells, however, some moves are bodyweight only.

  • The lighter dumbbells will be used for moves that take your hands farther from your body like Shoulder T’s and the Elevated Bicep Curls. The heavier weights can be used for things like Straight Arm Press Backs and Yogi Squat Concentration Curls.

  • Aim for 10-12 repetitions for each move, then repeat the entire set!

This is an amazing move that tackles your triceps, chest and shoulders! Plus, you’ll be modified on your knees, so you’ll likely be able to do more reps. 

Beautiful shoulders are on tap when you work on the Shoulder T. Use this move to strengthen your shoulders and move them through a range of motion which also stabilizes your rotator cuff. 

The back of your arms and shoulders are going get noticed with this awesome move. You’re bound to feel the burn in not only your triceps but your core and back as well! 

No more arms that keep moving after you’ve stopped waving goodbye! Instead, stop those saggy upper arms in their tracks with tricep dips!

Tone and shape your waistline while you work your arms and shoulders in this multi-tasking move. 

Mid-way through it’s time for a chest and arm stretch. While you are opening the front of your body with this move, you’re also strengthening your glutes and lower back. 

Biceps work to curl, but the shoulders are stabilizing the entire move. 

While you’re working those arms and shoulders, forget about your upper back. This move gives you a great stretch, but tackles your upper back and core at the same time. 

Just because you can never get enough upper arm work, right? 

Enjoy this final deep stretch in the hips while you concentrate on building beautiful biceps. 

3. Focus on Overall Weight Loss; Not Spot Reducing

The most common misconception about weight loss that is still floating around out there: spot-reducing.

Science says you can’t spot reduce body fat. That means you can’t pick a spot on your body and exercise the fat away. You see, you store fat cells all over your body. Where your fat cells happen to be more concentrated is often a genetic predisposition.

Having more fat on your arms doesn’t mean you can lose the fat directly from your arms alone. It means you have to first lose body fat all over, and then work on specifically strengthening your arms to tone them the way you wish.

In other words, just doing a bunch of exercises for your arms isn’t enough. Strong toned arms won’t look any different if they are still covered in a layer of fat. You need to lose the fat AND tone the arms. And if you want to lose weight fast without dieting or heavy exercise, learn here The 5-Second "Hack" That Kills Food Cravings and MELTS 62 lbs of Raw Fat. 

4. Get Your Cardio In

Cardiovascular exercise is known to help burn calories and eliminate body fat, so don’t skimp on your cardio! More importantly, make sure your cardio minutes are effective.

60 minutes on an elliptical reading a book is not going to be as effective as 20 minutes of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). That doesn’t mean you can’t be on the elliptical, just be sure to make your time worthwhile!

When performing cardio, you want to make sure you are working hard enough to breathe through your mouth and make you think about what you’re doing. If you can multi-task during the workout, it’s time to change it up!

7. Increase Water

Drinking water is the key to weight loss. It contains zero calories, boosts your metabolism, aids the body inefficient removal of waste, and can even decrease your appetite. Drink a big glass of water prior to your meals and you may just find yourself more satisfied and eating less.

And be sure to cut out soda, juice, and alcohol. That’s right—eliminate alcohol as much as possible while trying to lose arm fat. You don’t want the empty calories and it won’t make losing weight any easier.

On average, you should be drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. If you exercise regularly, add another glass or two to that.

6. Develop a Morning Routine

The hardest part of losing weight can often be keeping motivation. Developing a consistent routine is key and the most consistent exercisers tend to work out in the morning. The benefits of morning workouts are pretty awesome:

  • Consistency: It’s rare that a meeting or conference call can be called at 6:00 a.m., so interruptions aren’t likely.

  • Hormones: The hormones that help you build muscle and burn fat are at their peak early in the morning, making early workouts more efficient.

  • Eating Better: Morning exercisers choose a healthier breakfast and studies show that those who start with a healthy breakfast eat better all day long.

  • Better Sleep: Morning exercisers tend to fall asleep more quickly and sleep better through the night.

  • Energy: Morning exercise gives you more energy throughout the day. You might think you’d be more tired, but the opposite is true.

7. Sleep

The truth is that we naturally possess more fat-burning and healing potential when we are sleeping than many of us have ever realized! And that It’s already within us and just waiting to be unleashed! For this to work, we need to be in a deep sleep.

But Many people have a problem receiving the specified amount of sleep to stay healthy and fit.

The question now is, however, do you get this correct deep sleep?

Resurge is the only product in the world that contains the 8 special nutrients in the exact amounts shown to help improve deep‑sleep in both women and men.

How Does Resurge Deep Sleep Work?

This supplement’s working is based on the idea of boosting your metabolic functioning. This is because your metabolism slows down as you age. A lazy metabolism, in turn, causes a number of problems.

For instance, fat-melting slows significantly. This means that the fat which you consume does not melt. Instead, the body stores it away in reserves, which is what leads to weight loss in the first place.

When your metabolism is slow, your energy levels also go down. This is why this supplement attempts to correct this issue. It works by optimizing your metabolism so your body burns fat naturally and at a faster pace. This way consumed and stored fat in your fat melts quickly instead of getting collected in reserves.

At the end of the day, you lose weight. One more thing: as this fat burns, you witness a spike in your energy levels. Why? Because fat releases energy upon melting and it delivers more energy than the energy your body gets by burning carbohydrates. This explains how the formula under review assists in improving your energy levels.

Resurge is a new, dietary supplement that gives you natural, safe and effective ways in which to improve your sleep to get quality and length of rest you want every night. By doing, therefore, you're able to not only burn weight overnight however you'll also tackle and effectively reverse a huge array of different health issues, such as:

  • Athletic performance

  • Inflammation

  • Gastrointestinal problems

  • Bone loss

  • Low carb tolerance

  • High catabolic hormones

  • Low anabolic hormones

  • Low testosterone

  • Food cravings

  • Immune Resurge imbalanced

  • Increased fat gain

And now you can begin tapping into your body’s true potential easily, naturally and automatically... overnight.

This breakthrough formula helps naturally awaken the true fat burning, healing and regenerative potential that’s lying dormant within you.

Just take RESURGE before bed and let your own body naturally do the rest while you sleep...

By naturally optimizing your deep sleep cycles, you can look forward to waking up to a leaner, healthier, younger and way more energized version of yourself in the bathroom mirror each and every morning...

Without having to change a single thing to do with your diet, exercise or lifestyle.

REMEMBER, you can change the shape of your arms as you lose the fat and work on arm strength exercises designed to tone and shape your biceps, triceps and shoulders. When all of these things are happening, the sloppy, saggy fat begins to be replaced with toned, shapely arms.

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